Mark Kutolowski is an Oblate of Saint Benedict and a Centering Prayer instructor who is committed to supporting the revitalization of Christian contemplation among lay practitioners. Mark is a wilderness guide who attended Dartmouth College and later taught survival/bushcraft skills there for about 15 years. He has a special interest in the relationship between contemplative practice and the natural world.

Mark is also an instructor in the Russian martial art and health practice Systema and continues to study and explore ways to integrate the body into prayer. Mark and his wife Lisa are the co-directors of Metanoia of Vermont, a lay contemplative homestead and ministry that seeks to ‘nurture the way of Christ through work and prayer in relationship with the land.’









Mark Kutolowski – veteran wilderness guide, survival skills instructor, Oblate of St. Benedict, and TSC favorite – returns to Fairfield for a weekend workshop outdoors. 

 Mark will share disciplines of prayer and meditation in relationship with wild plants and animals, and the elements of earth, air, fire, and water utilized by Saint Francis of Assisi and other Christian nature mystics. Mark has led hundreds of seekers into wild landscapes to experience the two-way communication possible between wild creation and the human soul. Belief in God is not necessary for these encounters to occur.

Participants will dine outdoors and have a fireside chat with Mark at a private home on Greenfield Hill on Friday evening, then spend Saturday morning with him in Trout Brook Preserve, followed by lunch at another private home in Easton.

Come prepared to dine and sit by a fire on Friday evening then spend the morning outside in the woods on Saturday.

A Workshop with Mark Kutolowski

Wilderness and Contemplative Awareness with Mark Kutolowski

October 28-29, 2022

These hybrid workshops explored nature and the body as vehicles for encounter with the divine. They offer many insights into the wisdom traditions of the Old and New Testaments, and an introduction to the Hesychasm system of prayer, while modeling everyday practices that all can enjoy.

A Workshop with Mark Kutolowski (Part 1)

Praying with Creation:
Encountering God Through Nature

October 7 & 16, 2021

A Workshop with Mark Kutolowski (Part 2)

From Fear to Trust: Training the Body for Freedom

February 10 & 26, 2022