Rev. Dr. Lauren
Rev. Canon Dr. Lauren R. Stanley is an Episcopal Priest who serves as a preacher, celebrant, retreat leader, and consultant. Currently the Canon to the Ordinary in the Episcopal Diocese of South Dakota, Mother Lauren has spent her career serving disenfranchised populations around the world.
From 2013 to 2020, she was Priest-in-Charge of the Rosebud Episcopal Mission (west) on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation in south-central South Dakota, the home of the Sicangu Lakota Oyate (The Burnt Thigh Nation). Part of the Diocese of South Dakota, the Rosebud Mission has 10 active congregations.
Prior to her work with the Lakota, Mother Lauren was a missionary in Haiti, the largest diocese of the Episcopal Church. From 2005 – 2009, she served as the Episcopal Church’s only full-time missionary in Sudan. Prior to that, she was a Peace Corps volunteer in Kenya. A journalist prior to ordination, she was also a national newspaper columnist writing about God’s presence in people’s lives.
Rev. Dr. Lauren Stanley
A Virtual Mission Trip to Rosebud Episcopal Mission
May 21, 2021
This virtual mission trip to Rosebud Episcopal Mission organized with the help of Canon to the Ordinary of Diocese of South Dakota, an extraordinary former journalist, former Peace Corps volunteer, and missionary to the Sudan and Haiti was a much needed pilgrimage when all were forced to remain in place during COVID. Our appreciation for the Lakota’s gift for praying with nature within a Christian context was greatly deepened by our experience on the prairie.
Because organizing a mission trip to Rosebud Reservation was not possible during 2021, Trinity Spiritual Center collaborated with Mother Lauren to create a virtual experience that captured many of the conversations she has with visiting families. From April 22 - May 27, our schedule included:
04/22: Kickoff conversation with Mother Lauren
04/23 – 5/4: Videos shot by Mother Lauren of life on the Rosebud Reservation
05/13: Book discussion of the powerful "An Indigenous People's History of the United States for Young People"
05/20: Watch party of the deeply moving “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee”
05/22: Saturday Food Service Project at Trinity
05/27: Mission Trip wrap up and discussion