Dr. Niobe Way is Professor of Developmental Psychology and the founder of the Project for the Advancement of Our Common Humanity at New York University (PACH). She is also past President of the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) and co-director of the Center for Research on Culture, Development, and Education at NYU. Her work focuses on the intersections of culture, context, and human development, with a particular focus on social and emotional development and how cultural ideologies influence developmental trajectories. The Listening Project
For over thirty years, Dr. Way has been studying the social and emotional development of adolescents and how their cultural contexts influence their development. Her research has documented the way that our dominant culture of masculinity forces teenage boys to disconnect as they mature into men with disastrous repercussions. That’s when the suicide rate for men jumps to 4X that of women, the incidence of substance abuse and depression begin to rise, and high school males begin to opt out of college more than women.
Sunday, November 20, 2022
A Conversation with Niobe Way
Youth and the Crisis of Connection
NYU Professor, Dr. Niobe Way will deliver a timely, urgent message for today’s parents at Trinity Spiritual Center in Southport.