Take a trip around the globe this winter weekend without ever leaving cozy Southport
On February 10 & 11, renowned retreat leader, author, and contemplative Stuart Higginbotham will explore how Christian and Tibetan Buddhist mystics’ use visualization as a vehicle for advancing spiritual growth. Fr. Stuart will show us how easily this meditation technique, which is common among many ancient wisdom traditions, is adapted to contemporary life.
Higginbotham is a member of the New Contemplative Exchange, a fellowship first gathered by such giants as Thomas Keating, Richard Rohr, Tilden Edwards, and Laurence Freeman at St. Benedict’s Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado in August 2017. He co-edited the Exchange’s outstanding collection of essays published in 2019 and has worked with many contemplative communities around the nation.
Fr. Stuart is recognized as an expert on how to integrate contemplative practice into a spiritual community life. Come discover the extraordinary inner landscapes that we can all share!.