Raphaël Liogier is a professor at Sciences Po Aix (Institut d’Études Politiques d’Aix-en-Provence), visiting scholar at Colombia University, and the author of numerous books. His research focuses on identity, religious identities, collective identities, identity reactions including populism, and how people deal with identity by excluding the identity of others.
French philosopher, sociologist, and highly-respected public intellectual in Western Europe, Raphaël wrote his PhD dissertation critiquing Western Europe’s “fantasy” misappropriation of Buddhism. From 2006 – 2014 he ran the first European Social Sciences Research Center where he studied the rise of the new Salafism (new Islamic fundamentalism) among young western Muslims. (He was the first expert that the French Parliament interviewed after the Charlie Hebdo attack.)
Raphaël has also published Heart of Maleness, an incisive deconstruction of masculinity and the need to stretch into the possibilities inherent in modernity.
A Conversation with Raphaël Liogier
How Do We Save Democracy?
March 6, 2022
This discussion with a French philosopher Raphael Liogier about his upcoming book The Anguish of the Void was a timely reminder of the spiritual underpinnings of democracy, and what we can do to protect our form of government, as the Ukraine was being invaded. A much-needed discussion of how embracing the transcendent must play a role in any solution that aspires to realize the full vision of our Founding Fathers and the Enlightenment.