Trinity Spiritual center gratefully acknowledges all who supported our program offerings last winter and spring, and our current programming slate January 21 – June 22.

For their leadership and support, and their courage in saying yes
The Reverend Margaret R. Hodgkins
Senior Warden John Kreitler, Junior Warden Lisa Todd
A vestry willing to imagine what a 21st Century parish might look like

For her visionary support and underwriting of our inaugural season
Joanie Frost

For his vision and dedication in launching Trinity Spiritual Center
Mark Grayson, Founding Director

For their participation in our pilot series of conversations last Spring
Kimberly Wilson, October 10, “A Journey”
Dain and Constance Perry, January 10, “Traces of the Trade”
Anna Deavere Smith, March 23, “Reclaiming Grace in the Face of Adversity”\
Rev. Canon Dr. Lauren Stanley, April 22 – May 27, “Virtual Mission Trip to Rosebud”
Ashton Applewhite, May 6, “How Ageism Harms Us All”

For additional program funding, the parish hall refurbishment, and operational support
Athena & Daniel Adamson, Ceasar Anquillare & Nora Neergaard, Michael Banten, Perry & Charlotte Bartol, Beth Beaudin, Thomas Benton, Charley & Karen Biggs, Barbara Burian, Celie Campbell, Virginia Cargill, Felix & Olivia Charney, Bill & Peggy Duncan ◦ Ruth Frantz & Jim Swaffield ◦ Ted Frese ◦ Joanie Frost ◦ JoAnn Gartin ◦ Georgette Geotsi ◦ Mark Grayson & Sarah Houghton ◦ Chris & Kim Heyn ◦ Peggy & Robin Hodgkins ◦ Babs Johnson ◦ Bill Kennedy, John & Heather Kreitler ◦ Lisa Todd & Bob Kurtz ◦ James and Margot Mabie ◦ Barb Martin ◦ Ed & Hilary Michaels ◦ Sarah Michels ◦ Ryan and Adele Moran ◦ David & Judy Nessel ◦ Sam & Missy Palmisano ◦ Ted Pratt ◦ Glenn & Susan Ratcliffe ◦ Judy Reid ◦ Chris & Margaret Rieck ◦ Barrett & Lauren Risley ◦ Lauren Rosato ◦ Harry & Maria Schmitz ◦ Jennifer Schmitz ◦ Belinda Shepard ◦ Chris & Jen Smith ◦ Stephen Stout & Kendall Crolius ◦ Rev. Cecily Stranahan ◦ Sheila Traub ◦ Sally Waugh

For the herculean efforts of the volunteers who have made it all happen
Mark Grayson ◦ Virginia Cargill ◦ Harry Schmitz ◦ Celie Campbell ◦ Sheila Traub ◦ Chris Rieck ◦ Robin Hodgkins ◦ Robbie Laughton ◦ Ethan Kantarovich ◦ Barbara Burian ◦ Dina Kalagher ◦ Sharon King ◦ Alane Kelly ◦ Tim Palin ◦ Gael Ficken ◦ Lauren Rosato ◦ Thomas Benton ◦ Ted Frese ◦ Kendall Crolius ◦ Cecily Stranahan ◦ Beth Beaudin ◦ April Gow ◦ Bahman Azarm ◦ Melanie Andrews ◦ Bill Duncan ◦ Parker Grayson ◦ Glenn Ratcliffe ◦ Steve Bollman ◦ Lauren Risley ◦ Daniel Adamson ◦ Ruth Frantz ◦ Sarah Michaels ◦ Charlotte Bartol ◦ Stephen Stout ◦ Eileen Weber ◦ Philip Grayson ◦ Olivia Charney ◦ Marlowe Mitchell ◦ Egan Frantz ◦ Cheryl Bundy ◦ Dawn Stegelmann ◦ Maria Schmitz ◦ Courtney Cowart ◦ Jim Goodmann ◦ Sarah Houghton ◦ Mirabai Starr

In the end, we are all blessed to share this opportunity to bear witness to the Spirit in motion.

“May you be happy. May you
be well. May you be safe.
May you be peaceful and
at ease, until we meet again.”